Heat, Flow, Combustion, Problems, Analysis, Solutions, Help, Bastiaans

Homepage of Bastiaans Research



Selection of topics:

  1. Ph.D. thesis
  2. Mixing Problems
  3. Laminar Combustion
  4. Turbulent Combustion


Bastiaans Research
Karstraat 14c
5451 AV Mill
The Netherlands
Phone# +31628832601


This is the consultancy page of Bastiaans Research by Dr.Ir.Ing. Rob J.M. Bastiaans. Bastiaans Research is specialized in problems associated to heat, flow and combustion problems. Possible support can be given in the form of analysis up to computer simulations. I am currently employed as an associate professor at Eindhoven University of Technology in the area of turbulent combustion.

For more information

If you would like more information about my research/consultancy please enter your name, street address, city, state, zip code, country, phone number, fax number, email address and a short description about your company and your interests in the form below. When you have filled out the form to your satisfaction, click on the "Submit Query" button at the bottom of the form. You need not answer all of the input fields; however I may not be able to answer incomplete forms. I will correspond via email as soon as possible. Thank you for requesting information about my research/consultancy.

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